Say what you will about the man himself—not to mention what he has done to the contemporary artworld (particularly in the UK)—this idea of Saatchi's is brilliant ...
I Like Ur Art: Saatchi Creates an Online Hangout for Artists
The New York Times
December 28, 2006
"Julie Ann Travis , 23, a graduate student at the California College of the Arts in San Francisco, is curious to see what her peers are up to and to share some of her latest work. So recently she posted a self-portrait in which her head is buried in a pile of dirt at Stuart (saatchi-gallery.co.uk/stuart), the latest addition to a recently redesigned Web site for the Saatchi Gallery in London.
"The brainchild of the London-based advertising magnate and collector Charles Saatchi, this social networking outlet -- a kind of MySpace knockoff for artists -- is causing something of a sensation, boosting traffic at the gallery's Web site overall to more than three million hits a day."
The site discussed can be found here.
I Like Ur Art: Saatchi Creates an Online Hangout for Artists
The New York Times
December 28, 2006
"Julie Ann Travis , 23, a graduate student at the California College of the Arts in San Francisco, is curious to see what her peers are up to and to share some of her latest work. So recently she posted a self-portrait in which her head is buried in a pile of dirt at Stuart (saatchi-gallery.co.uk/stuart), the latest addition to a recently redesigned Web site for the Saatchi Gallery in London.
"The brainchild of the London-based advertising magnate and collector Charles Saatchi, this social networking outlet -- a kind of MySpace knockoff for artists -- is causing something of a sensation, boosting traffic at the gallery's Web site overall to more than three million hits a day."
The site discussed can be found here.
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